English Morphology
Phonology is concerned with sound regularities in languages: what sounds exist in a language, how those sounds combine into syllables and words, and how the prosody (stress, accent, tone, etc.) of a language works.
Allomorphs are phonologically distinct variants of the same morpheme. That is, they do not have the same sounds, though they are still similar.
Phonological process in which segments come to be more like each other in some phonological feature, such as voicing or nasality.
Underlying representation
An underlying representation (UR) is a single basic mental representation for each morpheme.
Nasal assimilation
Nasal assimilation: a nasal consonant assimilates to the point of articulation of a following consonant, and to the point and manner of articulation of the consonant if it is a liquid.
Lexical strata
Layers of word formation within a single language that display different phonological properties and different patterns of attachment.
An additional property of suffixes belonging to different lexical strata is that we can’t always attach a nonnative suffix to an already derived word:
English Morphology | Week 12: The morphology-phonology interface | Barrientos